Age Reason for visit
Newborn follow up Check-up, Hepatitis B (if not done in hospital)
1-2 weeks Check-up, 2nd newborn screen
1 month (optional) Check-up, catch-up immunizations (if needed)
2 months Check-up, (DTaP, IPV, Hib, HepB), PCV, Rotavirus
4 months Check-up, (DTaP, IPV, Hib, HepB), PCV, Rotavirus
6 months Check-up, (DTaP, IPV, Hib, HepB), PCV, Rotavirus
9 months Check-up, catch-up immunizations (if needed)
12 months (must be after 1st birthday) Check-up, MMR, PCV, HepA, Hemogram and lead level
15 months Check-up, DTaP, Hib, Varicella
18 months Check-up, HepA
2 years Check-up, catch-up immunizations (if needed)
3 years Check-up
4 years (must be after 4th birthday) Check-up, MMR, Varicella (MMR and Varicella may be given as a combination shot ProQuad), IPV, DTaP (IPV and DTaP may be given as a combination shot, Quadracel)
5 years Check-up, Hearing Screen, Vision Screen, BMI
Yearly thereafter Check-up, BMI
11 years Check-up, Meningococcal A/C/W/Y, Tdap, HPV Series †, cholesterol check, BMI
16 Years Check-up, Meningococcal A/C/W/Y, Meningococcal B series

HPV vaccine is recommended for both female and male patients 11 years old and older.

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