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What causes Croup? Croup is most often caused by a virus with Parainfluenza virus being the most common. It is for the most part similar to cold viruses your child will encounter except it causes some atypical swelling in their upper airway (trachea). What are the symptoms of croup? Your child may start with [...]


Sitz Bath

Sitz baths are a form of hydrotherapy (water therapy), which increases the blood flow to the pelvis and abdominal area. Perineal hygiene is the primary reason for using this type of bath when the area is tender and inflamed. A sitz bath may be ordered for your child for any of the following reasons: [...]

Sitz Bath2017-07-07T17:29:05-05:00

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Booster

Pertussis or Whooping Cough Booster (Tdap Vaccine) Experts estimate that up to one million cases of Pertussis (or whooping cough) occur each year in the United States, across all age groups. Facts: Whooping cough is a serious infectious disease on the rise in the United States, across all age groups. According to the CDC, [...]

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Booster2017-07-07T17:29:23-05:00

Head Injury

With any head injury it is common to have any of the following symptoms: Mild Headache Dizziness Vomiting (once or twice) Mild Confusion/Sleepiness For a bruise or bump:  Use a cold pack (ice pack) wrapped in a towel as often as your child will let you.  Apply the pack for 20 minutes on, 40 [...]

Head Injury2017-07-07T17:29:40-05:00

Fever: Suppository Use

Use Feverall Suppositories in a child who is unable to take Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) as a result of vomiting.AgeInfants' 80mgChildren's 120mgJr. Strength 325mgUnder 6 monthsDo not useDo not useDo not use6-11 months1 suppository every 6 hours. Maximum 4 doses in 24 hours.Do not useDo not use12-36 months1 suppository every 4 to 6 hours. [...]

Fever: Suppository Use2018-02-02T19:55:24-05:00


How do you keep a 1-year-old from heading toward the TV? What should you do when your preschooler throws a fit? How can you get your adolescent to respect your authority? Approaches that work with your stubborn toddler won't be very effective with your rebellious teen. Find out here how to vary your approach [...]



We have a Bronchiolitis video available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaYKNB0_HxY What is bronchiolitis? Bronchiolitis is an infection that causes the small breathing tubes of the lungs (bronchioles) to swell and become inflamed. This partially blocks airflow through the lungs, making it hard to breathe. It occurs most often in infants because their airways are smaller [...]


Crib Safety

A September 2007 study in the Journal of Pediatrics concluded that crib and bassinet bumpers are unsafe because they can suffocate or strangle an infant. Parents should keep pillows—including crib bumpers—and other soft materials out of their baby’s sleeping area, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the “Back to Sleep” campaign, [...]

Crib Safety2017-06-28T11:34:47-05:00