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So far Sam Oh has created 212 blog entries.

Bedwetting Alarm

Strategies for Success with an Enuresis Alarm; Bennett, Howard J.; Contemporary Pediatrics Vol. 23, No. 9 September 2006 Bedwetting Store www.bedwettingstore.com 1-800-214-9605 The enuresis (bedwetting) alarm is a highly effective component of treatment to overcome vexing nocturnal enuresis, which affects approximately 5 million children in the United States. An enuresis alarm helps a sleeping child [...]

Bedwetting Alarm2017-07-07T17:32:25-05:00

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions can be triggered by foods, medications, insect stings, pollen, or other substances. Although most allergic reactions aren’t serious, severe reactions can be life-threatening and can require immediate medical attention. Avoid substances that are known to trigger an allergic reaction in the child. Keep an oral antihistamine such as cetirizine (Zyrtec) available. If [...]

Allergic Reactions2024-03-22T08:38:38-05:00


Article: Coughs Reviewed by: Aaron S. Chidekel, MD Date reviewed: October 2005 Originally reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD Coughs are one of the most frequent symptoms of childhood illness, and although they can sound awful at times, they usually are not a symptom of a serious condition. In fact, coughing is a healthy and [...]


Dental Tips

Birth to 6 months Clean mouth with gauze after feedings and at bedtime. Regulate feeding habits. 6 to 12 Months First tooth should appear. Wean from breast or bottle by first birthday. 12 to 24 Months Begin to brush teeth after each feeding and at bedtime with small, soft-bristled brush using a rice grain [...]

Dental Tips2017-07-07T17:33:37-05:00

Diaper Rash

The two most common causes of diaper rash are: Chemical irritation (stool/diarrhea and urine) – This rash is usually most prominent in the area where the buttocks contact the diaper. The skin can be just reddened or severely broken down to look like a rug burn and even ulcerated. Yeast – This rash is [...]

Diaper Rash2019-10-11T21:25:12-05:00

Ear Infection

Why do middle ear infections happen? Ear infections occur in either the outer ear or in the middle ear (anatomically these infections are different).  Outer ear infections, “swimmer’s ear”, occur when water stagnates in the outer ear canal.  Middle ear infections occur when stagnant fluid in the middle ear becomes infected with bacteria.  Fluid [...]

Ear Infection2017-07-07T17:33:53-05:00


We have a Fever video available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D96e6XI7ouY First and foremost, remember that a fever itself is not dangerous. It is simply a sign that your child has an infection.  Do not be afraid of the height of a fever.  We commonly see children with 104-105 fevers. ALWAYS accurately record temperatures with a [...]



We have a Vomit and Diarrhea video available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/F5Ur4VexXMw Gastroenteritis is an infection that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Many cases are caused by a virus, such as Norovirus. Think of your child as a closed fluid container.  What comes out must be gradually replaced or they will eventually become dry.  Most of [...]


Habit Reversal

Article: Habit Reversal Author: Edward Christophersen Ph.D. Habit reversal training is a set of procedures that have been used very successfully with trichotillomania (hair pulling), nail biting, thumbsucking, chronic motor tics, and the tics associated with Tourette disorder. After your physician or psychologist has shown you the procedures in the office, use the following [...]

Habit Reversal2017-07-07T17:34:54-05:00

Insect Bites and Rash

For comfort, give a SHORT daily lukewarm bath of 5-10 minutes with a mild soap. Aveeno Oatmeal bath treatment is a good choice. Apply the following medicine to the bites: Hydrocortisone 1% (Over-The-Counter) 2x/day. Use this no longer than 2 weeks. To keep the bites/rash from becoming infected, apply an antibiotic cream (OTC) (such [...]

Insect Bites and Rash2022-10-17T00:44:06-05:00