News + Announcements2018-11-06T18:01:33-05:00

News + Announcements

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Dr. Jung’s Blog about Tamiflu

February 26th, 2020|News|

Post #47 How to Optimally Utilize Tamiflu The take home message is that because of side effects and costs, using Tamiflu during the flu season should not be a knee-jerk reaction. Every year in [...]

For Our Cigna Patients

February 14th, 2020|News|

Parents of Blue Fish Pediatrics, You may have heard that those covered by Cigna health insurance may lose in-network access to Memorial Hermann facilities or affiliated physicians as of April 30, 2020 unless an [...]

NY Times: How to Communicate Better With Your Children in the New Year

December 26th, 2019|News|

Often, the central message in experts’ advice to parents is find ways to pay attention to what is going on in your kids’ lives, to be present with them and to listen... [...]

AAP: Infant Deaths in Sitting Devices

September 27th, 2019|News|

Large study sheds light on infant deaths in sitting devices Alyson Sulaski Wyckoff, Associate Editor Every year, several hundred infants fall victim to sleep-related deaths in sitting devices like car seats, bouncers or swings used improperly [...]

All Offices Closed on Monday, September 2

August 22nd, 2019|News|

All Blue Fish offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2019 for the Labor Day holiday.  We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3. Have a safe holiday weekend! Blue Fish [...]

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