New Patients

Thank you for your interest in becoming a patient of Blue Fish Pediatrics.

Please fill out our New Patient Application online.

Why is there a new patient application?

Blue Fish is strongly committed to ensuring that all patients under our care receive timely access to their physician whenever parents need assistance or guidance. The new patient application process serves as an important tool to maintain an optimal patient panel size for our physicians, ensuring that every patient has access to their doctor for both routine check-ups and urgent sick visits. 

Why do we adhere to the American Academy of Pediatrics immunization schedule?

Vaccinations are an integral part of preventive health, especially for children. By following the American Academy of Pediatrics immunization schedule, we’re ensuring our patients receive vaccines at the optimal time, maximizing their protection against vaccine-preventable diseases following a proven, safe, and time-tested schedule. 

Adhering to the American Academy of Pediatrics vaccine schedule is not just about individual health – it’s also about community health. By maintaining high vaccination rates, we’re not only helping to protect each individual child, but also contributing to the prevention of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases in our community.

If you have any questions about becoming a new patient, please do not hesitate to call the office nearest you.

Mission Statement

This practice was created for you to provide:

Timely and convenient service
Practical and anticipatory guidance
Evidence-based medical care
Thorough but gentle patient exams
Reassurance and encouragement
A doctor your children can call their own

Please let us know if there is anything more we can do to deliver these services to your family. We hope that Blue Fish Pediatrics will serve as one of many long -term positive influences in the lives of your children.

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