Toddler Nutrition
Toddler Nutrition (PDF)
Toddler Nutrition (PDF)
Feeding Schedule (PDF)
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We have a Starting Solid Foods video available on YouTube: Feeding our children is as much an art as it is a science. There may be many different methods, books, or suggestions that you will encounter, but ultimately each child is an individual who may not go “by the book”. The following bullet [...]
If you’re bottle feeding your baby, infant formula or expressed breast milk should be the only form of milk your baby gets during the first year of life. When your baby comes home from the hospital, they will probably take 1.5 - 3 ounces of prepared formula at each feeding. When the baby is [...]
The first few weeks of nursing will be a time of learning for you and your baby. They might be tough, but if you make it through the first few weeks, it WILL get easier! Neither of you may accomplish a lot on your first few tries, but that is all right. Breast milk [...]
What to Feed Breast milk is the best food for babies during the first year of life. The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages breastfeeding until one year of age. If one year seems excessive, pick an alternative goal that is more realistic for you, such as six months. Breast milk provides just the right [...]