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So far Sam Oh has created 211 blog entries.

Blue Fish Katy Saturday Urgent Care Begins 8/7/2021

We are pleased to announce that our Katy office will begin offering Saturday morning urgent care services for Katy patients beginning on Saturday, August 7, 2021.  Saturday urgent care services are available by same day appointment only. If you have any questions about our Saturday urgent care services, please contact our office by calling [...]

Blue Fish Katy Saturday Urgent Care Begins 8/7/20212021-07-01T13:59:47-05:00

Assessing the Risk of Activities for Unvaccinated Children

This is a helpful tool to assess the relative risk of various activities for unvaccinated children: https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/navigating-kid-related-activities

Assessing the Risk of Activities for Unvaccinated Children2021-06-11T07:31:44-05:00

Strep Throat & Scarlet Fever

WHAT IS STREP THROAT? Strep throat is an infection of the throat caused by a bacteria named Group A Streptococcus. It is helpful to try to distinguish between viral and bacterial causes of sore throat. Strep, which is bacterial, can be treated with antibiotics. Viral causes will resolve on their own and do not [...]

Strep Throat & Scarlet Fever2021-06-18T13:20:03-05:00


WHAT IS SCABIES? Scabies is a skin condition caused by microscopic insects called mites that dig under the skin leading to a rash and intense itching usually worse at night. Scabies is highly contagious: Easily passed from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact Less easily passed via items such as clothes, towels, and [...]



WHAT IS IMPETIGO? Impetigo is a common infection of the top layers of skin caused by bacteria that are frequently carried as normal skin flora. Usually begins as small red sores or blisters that can leak fluid and form a yellow crust around the mouth, arms, legs, or diaper area. Can develop anywhere there [...]


Thrush in Infants

What is Thrush? Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by Candida, a type of yeast. Candida normally lives in and on our bodies. It normally does not cause problems but when there is overgrowth of Candida, it can cause infections such as thrush or diaper candidiasis (diaper rash). How do infants and [...]

Thrush in Infants2021-05-24T15:50:31-05:00


This is a viral infection caused by human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV6). It is a contagious illness that mostly affects infants and toddlers causing them to develop high fevers followed by the development of a rash. Fever can be as high as 106 degrees and typically lasts for 3-5 days. The fever is not [...]


COVID-19 Vaccine: Top 7 Parental Concerns Answered

The following was created by Katelyn K. Jetelina, PhD MPH, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)

COVID-19 Vaccine: Top 7 Parental Concerns Answered2021-05-21T08:25:49-05:00

COVID-19 Vaccine Coadministration

Per the CDC, the COVID-19 vaccine may now be coadministered with other vaccines.  Please read an excerpt from the CDC article below: COVID-19 Coadministration Full article: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/clinical-considerations.html#Coadministration

COVID-19 Vaccine Coadministration2021-05-17T12:18:27-05:00

COVID-19 Vaccine Sites for Adolescents

Here are a few links to vaccination sites for adolescents: Harris County Vaccine Hub Map https://tdem.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3700a84845c5470cb0dc3ddace5c376b Memorial Hermann COVID Vaccine https://www.memorialhermann.org/services/conditions/coronavirus/texas-vaccine-hub Houston Methodist https://www.houstonmethodist.org/texas-vaccine-hub/ State Vaccine Schedule Site (Texas HHS) https://getthevaccine.dshs.texas.gov/txces/s/?language=en_US

COVID-19 Vaccine Sites for Adolescents2021-05-17T16:35:12-05:00