About Sam Oh

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So far Sam Oh has created 212 blog entries.

Toilet Training

Your child is toilet trained when, without any reminders, he (or she, or course) walks to the potty, pulls down his pants, urinates or passes a bowel movement (BM), and pulls up his pants.  Some children learn to control their bladder first; others start with bowel control.  You and your child can work on [...]

Toilet Training2017-07-07T17:37:16-05:00

Swimmer’s Ear

What causes Swimmer’s Ear? Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the outer ear structures, particularly the ear canal.  It typically occurs in swimmers, since the cause of the infection is water trapped in the ear canal, however bathing or showering may also cause this common infection.  When water is trapped in the ear canal, bacteria that normally [...]

Swimmer’s Ear2017-07-07T17:37:31-05:00