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So far Sam Oh has created 212 blog entries.

Nasal Congestion, Umbilical Cord Care, and Circumcision

When a baby enters the world, it is an adjustment. A few mild symptoms may occur and, especially if this is your first baby, they may worry you. Some newborn care and normal conditions of the newborn period are described below. Nasal Congestion During the first two to three months of life, most newborn [...]

Nasal Congestion, Umbilical Cord Care, and Circumcision2017-06-28T11:33:00-05:00

Hospitalizations, Poisoning, and Medications

Warning Signs of Severe Illness We’d like you to be familiar with a few warning signs of severe illness.  Just because your child has one or more of these signs doesn’t necessarily mean a severe illness is present.  However, it could be the case.  Call us if you note any of the following warning [...]

Hospitalizations, Poisoning, and Medications2017-06-28T11:33:34-05:00

Car Safety

Car Safety Seat Guidelines Age Type of Seat General Guideline Infants Infant-only and rear-facing convertible All infants should always ride in a rear-facing seat until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by their care safety seat manufacturer.  Most convertible seats have limits that will allow children to ride rear facing for 2 years [...]

Car Safety2021-04-29T10:45:15-05:00

Teething, Brushing Teeth, and Bathing

Teething Most babies start teething at six to seven months.  A few early birds begin at three to four months, and a few babies will begin at ten to twelve months.  Do not worry if the teeth come in late.  While the majority of babies aren’t troubled by the teething process, some get irritable, [...]

Teething, Brushing Teeth, and Bathing2021-04-28T12:43:21-05:00

Swaddling Your Baby

Improper swaddling may lead to hip dysplasia or developmental dysplasia of the hip.  When in the womb the baby’s legs are in a fetal position with the legs bent up and across each other.  Sudden straightening of the legs to a standing position can loosen the joints and damage the soft cartilage of the [...]

Swaddling Your Baby2017-06-28T11:36:06-05:00


Crying Ways that tiny babies can communicate are limited.  Crying is one of them.  Crying is how your baby makes their needs known and their displeasure felt.  Most parents quickly learn to identify whether their baby is crying from hunger, restlessness, pain, anger, or some other reason.  Many babies go through unexplainable fussy periods [...]


How Much Sleep?

Newborn babies sleep quite a bit, usually waking up every two to four hours for feedings.  At about two months of age, they generally start sleeping through the night, although a few cooperative babies may start sooner.  You may have heard that starting solid foods (e.g. cereal) will make a baby sleep through the [...]

How Much Sleep?2017-06-28T11:36:16-05:00

Starting Solid Foods

We have a Starting Solid Foods video available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWYYob9L7Ps&list=PLzAg77gR8SWv6RwGk1LFGvmzQVyhHI6F8&index=7 Feeding our children is as much an art as it is a science. There may be many different methods, books, or suggestions that you will encounter, but ultimately each child is an individual who may not go “by the book”. The following bullet [...]

Starting Solid Foods2021-05-15T08:25:20-05:00

Infant Formula (Bottle Feeding)

If you’re bottle feeding your baby, infant formula or expressed breast milk should be the only form of milk your baby gets during the first year of life.  When your baby comes home from the hospital, they will probably take 1.5 - 3 ounces of prepared formula at each feeding.  When the baby is [...]

Infant Formula (Bottle Feeding)2017-06-28T11:36:26-05:00


The first few weeks of nursing will be a time of learning for you and your baby.  They might be tough, but if you make it through the first few weeks, it WILL get easier!  Neither of you may accomplish a lot on your first few tries, but that is all right.  Breast milk [...]
