About Sam Oh

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So far Sam Oh has created 211 blog entries.


The following article can be found at peterjung.blogspot.com Post #47 How to Optimally Utilize Tamiflu The take home message is that because of side effects and costs, using Tamiflu during the flu season should not be a knee-jerk reaction. Every year in the United States, the CDC estimates that influenza results in between 9 million [...]


Dr. Jung’s Blog about Tamiflu

Post #47 How to Optimally Utilize Tamiflu The take home message is that because of side effects and costs, using Tamiflu during the flu season should not be a knee-jerk reaction. Every year in the United States, the CDC estimates that influenza results in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 [...]

Dr. Jung’s Blog about Tamiflu2020-02-26T17:41:04-05:00

Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For  information about how Blue Fish is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit our COVID-19 Information page. You can also visit the following websites to find up-to-date information: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention www.cdc.gov World Health Organization www.who.int For questions about international travel, please visit the US Department of State - Bureau [...]

Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19)2020-03-30T23:30:57-05:00

For Our Cigna Patients

Parents of Blue Fish Pediatrics, You may have heard that those covered by Cigna health insurance may lose in-network access to Memorial Hermann facilities or affiliated physicians as of April 30, 2020 unless an agreement is reached.  Although Blue Fish Pediatrics is associated with Children's Memorial Hermann, the vast majority of Blue Fish patients [...]

For Our Cigna Patients2020-02-14T20:55:46-05:00

NY Times: How to Communicate Better With Your Children in the New Year

Often, the central message in experts’ advice to parents is find ways to pay attention to what is going on in your kids’ lives, to be present with them and to listen... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/26/well/family/how-to-communicate-better-with-your-children-in-the-new-year.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share

NY Times: How to Communicate Better With Your Children in the New Year2019-12-26T15:09:28-05:00

Blue Fish Memorial Welcomes Dr. Jenna Penland

We are excited to announce that Dr. Jenna Penland (farthest left in the photo above) has joined our Blue Fish Memorial practice!  She is accepting new patients now.  If you would like to find out more about Dr. Penland, please visit her bio page here. Blue Fish Pediatrics Memorial 915 Gessner, Suite 760 Houston, [...]

Blue Fish Memorial Welcomes Dr. Jenna Penland2019-10-11T14:12:50-05:00

NY Times: 5 Childhood Conditions That Don’t Require a Trip to the E.R.

By Jacob E. OsterhoutOctober 3, 2019 Even the most squeamish parents can treat these common ailments without ever needing to leave the house. My 4-year-old son has a particularly active imagination. On any given day, he’ll regale us with fantastical tales about dragons and superheroes and rocket ships. But no matter how implausible his stories [...]

NY Times: 5 Childhood Conditions That Don’t Require a Trip to the E.R.2019-10-11T13:02:56-05:00

AAP: Infant Deaths in Sitting Devices

Large study sheds light on infant deaths in sitting devices Alyson Sulaski Wyckoff, Associate Editor Every year, several hundred infants fall victim to sleep-related deaths in sitting devices like car seats, bouncers or swings used improperly for routine sleep. A 10-year study of 11,779 infant sleep-related deaths showed that 348 (3%) babies died in sitting devices, [...]

AAP: Infant Deaths in Sitting Devices2019-09-27T18:57:19-05:00

All Offices Closed on Monday, September 2

All Blue Fish offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2019 for the Labor Day holiday.  We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3. Have a safe holiday weekend! Blue Fish Pediatrics

All Offices Closed on Monday, September 22019-08-23T15:35:10-05:00